Contact Me: theanchoredkitchen@gmail.com
I believe in the kitchen’s ability to anchor a family through all of life’s changing seas.
My name is Brittany Graham and I am the author behind The Anchored Kitchen.
I started The Anchored Kitchen in 2017 after my son had Open Heart Surgery. Our friends, neighbors, and family helped pull us through that difficult time by cooking for us, bringing us love and help in our time of need. Food is so powerful in that way. It’s a way of conveying love and support when often times words can’t suffice.
I love creating and sharing delicious recipes from my kitchen. I also have a passion for meal planning and grocery lists. If you click on the meal planning section of this site you will find over thirty FREE meal plans with printable grocery lists and linked recipes by myself and others.
Enjoy your time in the kitchen, and if you need me I am here to help.